Friday, April 15, 2011

Town Green Construction Progress, 4/15/11

It's almost time.

The Town Green is almost complete.

The impervious concrete parking areas - designed to support traffic but improve storm drainage - are curing. Other small details are being finished up, but most of the work is complete.

Be sure to come out next Saturday, April 23rd, for Meet Me at the Green - a free concert showcasing the Town Green and various Camden performing artists.

The southeast entrance

Each interior corner of the Town Green has planters

Lights have been installed on the columns to illuminate the alley at night

The steeple on the left is First Baptist Church, the building on the far right is City Hall

Monday, March 21, 2011

Town Green Construction Progress, 3/21/2011

Painters work on the inside of one of the dumpster enclosures
The finising touches are being put on the Camden Town Green, as construction should conclude in the next few weeks. Workers are installing the wooden siding on the Green's dumpster/transformer enclosures, and crews are painting the inside and outside of the enclosures.

A construction crew member sands one of the bollards to prepare it for paint
All of the Town Green's bollards - temporary columns meant to control automotive traffic - are being cleaned and painted. They will normally be removed, but installed during events to prohibit cars from entering the area.

The outside of a dumpster enclosure after the first coat of paint has been applied
 The next big visual change will be the smaller trees and foliage, set to arrive soon. The sod is 80% complete, and the remaining 20% will be laid this week. Things are shaping up, and the Town Green is becoming greener by the day.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Town Green Construction Progress, 3/11/11

The columns near the alley leading to Broad Street have been wired for lighting
Recently, there was a partial disruption in progress due to a reconfiguration of the irrigation system and reduction in the number and size of plant materials throughout the Town Green.  These changes came at the request of Urban Forester, Liz Gilland.

Despite that, nearly four times the amount of workers are on the job site than at any other time during the project.  Because of the increased manpower, crews were able to complete the Philadelphia Blue Stone sidewalks, the brick columns, brick pavers, and electrical wiring along the alleyway to Broad Street.

the caps for the Green's sitting walls wait to be installed
Yesterday, more good news came as the caps for the sitting walls were delivered and the frames for the dumpster enclosures were treated with the final coats of paint.  Look for work completing the wall caps and dumpster enclosures to run through mid-week next week.

Other details that were addressed over the course of this week include the installation of French drains in the parking areas, installation of concrete surfaces behind Rutledge Gallery, and the construction of parking areas to the north of Camden Insurance Agency.  The remaining light poles for the project will also be installed beginning today through Monday.
A crew works on the last of the concrete to pour

Friday, March 4, 2011

Town Green Construction Progress, 3/4/11

This week in the Town Green the focus was on completing work in the alleyway leading to Broad Street.  Work was done to complete the concrete pathways and brick columns leading into the area.  Also the columns were wired for the wall sconces, which will serve to light the area and increase safety. 


Next week the contractor plans to begin installation of the remaining plant materials.  This includes shrubs and smaller native trees in corner areas of the project and the central greenspace.  Our landscape architect consultant has been working tirelessly with Liz Gilland, the City’s Urban Forester, to ensure the proper number and size of plants in each area, as well as planning for the proper irrigation systems to each section of the project. 

The week of March 14th, the contractor will begin finishing work on the dumpster enclosures by constructing the walls which surround each area.  Landscape planting will also continue throughout this week, and the contractor will begin painting the pavement markings and adding a finish to the concrete surfaces. 

The week of March 20th, the final week of the project, the contractor will tie in asphalt to the new concrete driveways and wrap up the project with punchlist items. 

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Town Green Construction Update, 2/24/11

Things are starting to finish up at the Town Green this week, as the end of the project is in sight. The interior irrigation system is complete, and Urban Forester Liz Gilland is working with the contractors to ensure that the Live Oak trees already planted as well as the trees arriving in the coming weeks remain healthy.

 Workers continue to lay the blue stone walkways around the perimeter of the Green. Since we decided to use the blue stone that has been in Camden's parks and around town for hundreds of years instead of pre-cut stone, the process is tedious. Skilled workers set the stone in place like the pieces of a complex puzzle, but the work is worth the time to keep a part of Camden's history in our downtown.

A crew member works on the concrete drive on the eastern side of the Town Green
The Rutledge Street driveway was completed today, and work will begin on the columns lining the alleyway leading to Broad Street tomorrow.

The alley will also be dressed up by a sign on the facade facing Broad Street welcoming visitors to the Town Green. That sign is currently being designed.

A crew works on the concrete drive on the eastern side of the Town Green
Some of the smaller structural touches, like the walls of the dumpster enclosures, will be completed next week. The Project Manager projects that the construction of the Camden Town Green will be complete in around two weeks.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Town Green Construction Progress, 2/18/11

The Blue Stone walkway on the Green's perimeter is about 50% complete
Work proceeded quickly this week on the western driveway of the Town Green, as weather conditions were perfect for pouring and setting concrete.  The final section is expected to be poured on Monday.

A mason works on the inner brick walkway

In addition to the driveways, work was completed on three of the four dumpster pads, with the fourth to be completed next week.  Crews will be in town next week to build the walls surrounding the dumpster enclosures.

Brick masons were here laying the pavers into place for the landing areas on all four corners of the Green.  The sitting wall is also fully enclosed at this point.  The contractor is expecting the wall caps to arrive next week.

The dumpster pads have been poured, and the walls will be completed in the coming weeks

Work on the irrigation system will continue through next week, with the system expected to be fully functional by week’s end. 

Work along the alleyway to Broad Street is nearly complete, as the concrete walkway sections were poured this week.  Brick pavers will be put into place between sections in the upcoming week.  Brick columns featuring sconces will also begin being constructed over the weekend.

The alley connecting Broad Street to the Town Green has been rehabilitated

The end is definitely in sight, and the City appreciates everyone’s cooperation through the construction period despite disruptions to parking, deliveries, and trash service.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Town Green Construction Progress, 2/11/11

Click to Enlarge
Weather caused several disruptions in the work schedule this week, but a great forecast is ahead of us for next week.

Next week the contractor will begin the final phases of site prep and driveway work on the western half of the project area.  This has major implications to businesses facing Broad Street because all access to parking and deliveries in the east back lot will be closed for the remainder of the project. 

This week work continued on the blue stone walkways and brick paved interior circle.  Dumpster pads continued to be completed, and the northern driveway was poured and saw cut. 

As we move into the final stages of the project there are seven major tasks to be completed:

  1. Concrete pours of the western driveway.
  2. Completion of detailed masonry work.
  3. Completion of dumpster pads.
  4. Demolition and construction of the alleyway leading to Broad Street.
  5. Installation of ancillary vegetation, trees and sod. 
  6. Completion of the irrigation system.
  7. Finishing of the parking areas.

The contractor deadline is March 24th, which is roughly five weeks away.  If the weather continues to cooperate, we may be able to beat this deadline.

A crew member works in the alley connecting Broad Street to the Town Green

Crew members work on laying brick pavers around the inner ring of the Town Green - Click to Enlarge

Friday, February 4, 2011

Town Green Construction Update, 2/4/11

Activity at the Town Green has been halted today due to rain. Throughout the week light poles were installed across the green and concrete dumpster pads were completed at the corners of the project area.

The most major change is the completion of the concrete foundation for the ring of brick pavers on the interior of the greenspace. Work also continued on irrigation systems.

Assuming the weather outlook for next week continues to be favorable, concrete pours will continue on the northern driveway.

For those tenants beginning at the Menagerie and extending north, there will be a two day time period potentially next week or the following week, where access will be limited. The construction zone must be extended an additional 6 to 8 feet so that concrete pours of the aisle extending to the alley to Broad Street can be poured.

A driveway will remain open at the back of the Menagerie so that tenants and customers can still access parking in the northwest corner of the lot and access to the rear entrances of those businesses located in that area and in the courtyard.  

Friday, January 28, 2011

Town Green Update 1/28/2011

For those of you who went out and visited the site this week, a monumental change has taken place.  Monday’s arrival of the Live Oak Trees was a spectacular process to behold.  All eight trees were planted in the interior greenspace by the Wednesday afternoon.

Tree planting was supervised by Liz Gilland, City of Camden Urban Forester.  She will continue to monitor the health of the trees throughout the construction process and  for the next several years as they take root.

The next installment of trees, which include native and ornamental plantings on the corners of the green and the periphery of the project area will be coming in the next few weeks.

Currently, contractors are working to install and connect irrigation systems for the newly planted trees to ensure a sufficient water supply for these valuable assets to our community.

Much of the focus will shift to completing tasks in the interior greenspace for much of the next week or two.  Irrigation systems will be completed and work will start today on laying the foundation for the brick paved circle that lies in the center of the green.

In other areas of the project contractors continue to lay the Philadelphia Blue Stone sidewalks into place.  Electricians were on site this week repositioning foundations for light poles and installing at least six light poles today.  Workers continued to saw cut the southern driveway to prevent any cracking from occurring due to contraction and expansion of the surface in the event of temperature changes.

Next week more detailed work will begin on dumpster pads surrounding the green, pouring curbing sections, preparing the northern driveway for concrete, and enclosing the interior seating wall sections.

In the upcoming weeks expect to see the contractor working speedily to meet our end of March deadline.  The western driveway will be under construction and the accent plantings will arrive.  Also, more, but smaller native trees will be arriving for planting across other areas of the project.

Stay updated on our blog at as designers continue to work on Phase II of the project.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Town Green Photo Update, 1/27/11

The northeast entrance to the Town Green prepared for concrete

The southwest corner of the Town Green has been poured and is curing

The eastern entrance to the Town Green is currently being poured

Bollards have been installed on the southwestern entrance (closest to Sub Station II). They can be removed for normal use and installed to prevent traffic flow during events on the Green.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Town Green Construction Progress, 1/21/11

A host of activity could be seen on the Town Green this week, as crews were preparing the site after last week’s snow.  Fortunately, the weather has cooperated this week.

The contractor was busy installing some of the “little details” of the project this week, completing the construction of a patio on the western side of the Old Armory Steakhouse, 140’ of curb and gutter sections on the southern driveway, and brick pillars for the southeastern dumpster enclosure.

The most exciting work to take place this week included laying the first section of Philadelphia Blue Stone walkways and the excavation of 10’x10’x8’ holes for the interior Live Oak Trees.

A crew member works on the Blue Stone walkway
Today, crews are busy pouring the southern concrete driveway behind the Old Armory, running parallel to Rutledge Street.  Earlier this morning, a concrete truck ran over a gas service line, which caused a temporary disruption of service.  We apologize for any inconveniences this may have caused.

The concrete is being poured on the southern side of the site

Things will start moving quickly next week.  The first delivery of Live Oak trees is scheduled for Monday morning, with the second delivery expected to arrive Wednesday.

Additionally, electrical contractors will be back on site to work on placement of footers and conduit for light poles surrounding the interior greenspace and perimeter of the project area.

Work will also continue on the Philadelphia Blue Stone walkways and dumpster pads.  If all goes well this upcoming week, the project will be back on schedule once again.  Extra manpower will be brought in to ensure this happens.

On another note, there have been several recent complaints regarding delivery trucks blocking access to the alleyway off of Rutledge Street.  Please instruct delivery drivers to keep access to the alleyway open at all times and limit delivery times to off-peak hours (early morning and early afternoon).  Also limit delivery times to no longer than 20 minutes.  In the event that this cannot be accomplished, please instruct drivers to park trucks on the street.  It is important to cooperate and work together through the last two months of the project.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Town Green Construction Progress, 1/14/11

Due to the inclement weather experienced for the first few days of the week, crews were not on site and could not engage in any further work on the project due to the frozen ground and wet soil conditions. Contractors for AT&T did accomplish their goal of removing overhead lines, so as we move forward into next week crews are projected  to hit the ground running.

Live Oak trees were scheduled for delivery this week but were postponed due to the weather.  That schedule has been moved back to the middle of next week.  Soil quality tests are currently being completed by Clemson University to determine the alkalinity of the soil and ensure the best conditions for the new trees to take root.

Barring no further delays due to weather, the project should continue to move steadily and may still finish ahead of schedule.  Next week’s weather outlook is moderate to good with higher temperatures expected.  If the soil dries out, then more paving of driveways can begin.  The successful installation of the Live Oak trees is our main concern.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Town Green Construction Progress, 1/7/11

Changes to the landscape of the Camden Town Green were small throughout the past few weeks as the contactors took a break to celebrate the holidays.

The process of pouring concrete drives on the perimeter of the green has been slowed by AT&T. Because of AT&T’s slow response to meeting project deadlines, the Camden Town Green is in danger of falling behind schedule for the first time since construction began.

Despite this fact, electrical contractors continued running new lines and are ready to install new lights on the perimeter of the green.

Masonry work on the sitting walls surrounding the green is nearly completed, and crews were able to pour sidewalks in the eastern project area near Substation II. 

Now that most of the underground work is nearing completion, truckloads of topsoil are being brought into the central green area.  Loads of stone are also being delivered and compacted into the new parking areas.

All of this work is being done in preparation for the delivery of eight large live oak trees.  The live oak trees are scheduled for delivery on Thursday of next week.  Liz Gilland, City of Camden Urban Forester, will be working closely with the contractors to make sure proper care is used during the transport and planting of the trees.

Parking areas are being constructed in preparation of the pouring of concrete drives to the south and north of the project area.  The western concrete drive has been completed.  This work should begin soon, barring no inclement weather in the next few weeks.

Be on the lookout for the historic Philadelphia Blue Stone being used on the sidewalks of the green.  That phase of the construction process is rapidly approaching.

The concrete drive and parking area on the eastern perimeter

The concrete drive and parking area on the eastern perimeter

A crew member works on the concrete entrance at the eastern side of the Town Green

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Town Green Construction Update, 12/29/10

This week's inclement weather has slowed progress a bit. Most of the outer wall is complete, with a section left incomplete to allow the large trees to be transported into the center of the green space without issue. The large portions of concrete work are solidly in progress, and the general layout of the Town Green is now becoming clear.

The southwest entrance

Large pillars are being formed to create a enclosure for transformers and dumpsters

The southeast entrance