Thursday, February 24, 2011

Town Green Construction Update, 2/24/11

Things are starting to finish up at the Town Green this week, as the end of the project is in sight. The interior irrigation system is complete, and Urban Forester Liz Gilland is working with the contractors to ensure that the Live Oak trees already planted as well as the trees arriving in the coming weeks remain healthy.

 Workers continue to lay the blue stone walkways around the perimeter of the Green. Since we decided to use the blue stone that has been in Camden's parks and around town for hundreds of years instead of pre-cut stone, the process is tedious. Skilled workers set the stone in place like the pieces of a complex puzzle, but the work is worth the time to keep a part of Camden's history in our downtown.

A crew member works on the concrete drive on the eastern side of the Town Green
The Rutledge Street driveway was completed today, and work will begin on the columns lining the alleyway leading to Broad Street tomorrow.

The alley will also be dressed up by a sign on the facade facing Broad Street welcoming visitors to the Town Green. That sign is currently being designed.

A crew works on the concrete drive on the eastern side of the Town Green
Some of the smaller structural touches, like the walls of the dumpster enclosures, will be completed next week. The Project Manager projects that the construction of the Camden Town Green will be complete in around two weeks.

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