Despite the cold temperatures throughout the first of the week, work continued at a steady pace on the Camden Town Green. All underground utility work has been completed, with the exception of the undergrounding of AT&T lines. That work should be completed by the first of the year.
Power was successfully transferred from overhead transformers to underground lines over the weekend and throughout the week. Three businesses remain to be transferred, and they include, the Little Midget, NBSC, and the car wash. This is scheduled to occur over the weekend.
The first brick wall was completed on Thursday behind Rutledge Street Gallery. Friday, brick masons were working on the wall at the southern end of the green.
Work should increase dramatically next week just as it did before the Thanksgiving holidays. The contractor is expected to bring two additional crews up from Charleston to assist in completing the masonry walls before the first of the year.
Additionally, concrete pours should begin between now and the first of the year. This past week’s cold weather prevented much of that from happening.
To date the project is on schedule and on budget. The City is very pleased with the work of the contractors, City staff, and the cooperation and patience of area businesses and residents.
A crew member works on the wall at the southern border of the Town Green |
Large pallets of brick line the perimeter of the Town Green waiting to be set |
The view from the clock tower, 12/17/10 |
Masons work on the sitting wall that will line the Town Green |
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