Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Construction Week One Summary

The contractor began last week by marking off the construction zone of the East Back Lot.  Note that the alley entrance off of Rutledge Street remains accessible, as well as partial driveway access from the rear drives of Wachovia and NBSC.  Additionally, a portion of the southern Market Street entrance remains open to deliveries.

Crews were out for the majority of the week locating utility lines in a process called “potholing,” where a section of earth is removed to verify the location of the utility line.  Sewer and gas lines were located in the vicinity of Rutledge Street, where a new stormdrain line is to be located.

The new stormwater system will be of immense benefit to all of the businesses surrounding the Town Green and Rutledge Street, as it should alleviate flooding issues experienced in the past.  That and the increased pervious surface added by the greenspace result in a project that removes a problem for local businesses and is truly “green.”

What To Expect in Week Two
Monday, the contractor conducted compaction tests along the portion of the stormwater system running west of Old Armory Steakhouse.  The compaction tests serve as a means of indicating the soil's integrity and compression.  Beginning today, they will conduct stormwater installation in front of the Old Armory along Rutledge Street.  Work should be completed as soon as utility conflicts encountered in Week 1 are mitigated.  This is projected to take about a week.

Businesses are urged to not block access to the Rutledge Street entrance.  Some complaints have been launched noting that larger automobiles cannot get through due to other parked vehicles.  If this continues to be a problem, the City may have to block off the City owned portion outside of the construction zone to allow for clearance.   In addition, please be mindful as employees to use the temporary parking lot located behind the car wash.  Complaints have been received that some are abusing the 2-hour parking limit and blocking access for customers.  The CPD will be stepping up enforcement of the 2-hour rule.  If you have trash service, safety, or any other issues please contact Wade Luther at 432-2421 or wluther@camdensc.org

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